Bihar High Schools Computer Teachers Bharti 2022 for 9033 Vacancies
All Higher and Higher Secondary Schools of Bihar State will have Computer Teachers in the Future. Currently, there is a total of 9360 schools in Bihar and 327 teachers are already working as computer teachers. Now, 9033 vacancies are available for computer teachers.
The Education Department has also sent the recruitment notice for 7376 vacancies to Finance Department. Before this 1657 posts are already ready and as soon getting the complete approval. The recruitment process will start.
In the 7th phase, when High School Teachers' Vacancies will be released for different subjects then computer teachers' vacancies also released. In STET 2019 (Secondary Teachers Eligibility Test), there were 28463 candidates who participated and 17034 candidates passed this exam.
That means, for Computer Teachers Vacancies those candidates will be eligible and B.Ed. is not compulsory for this vacancy.