SVPUAT Recruitment 2021 for Professor, Asst Professor, Associate Professor and Director Posts
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology (SVPUAT), Meerut, Uttar Pradesh (U.P.) has released recruitment for the post of Directors, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor. Eligible candidates can apply for the post before the last date and also read all the details carefully before applying for the post. Here are the details of Post-
Advertisement No.- I/2021 & II/2021
Post Name- Directors, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor
Total Posts- 21
Age- For Director No Age limit and Maximum 40 yrs for other posts.
Education Qualification- Ph.D, M.Sc with a minimum of 55% Marks and Other Skills and ability as per the requirement of the post.
Pay Scale- Professor/Director- Rs.1,44,200/-, Associate Professor- Rs.1,31,400/- and Assistant Professor- Rs.57,700/-
Fees- Rs.1500/- (Rs.750/- for SC/ST/PwD)
Selection Process- The selection will be made on the basis of written exam/skill test or interview.
How to Apply- Interested candidates can apply for the post by submitting the required fees and application before the last date.
Starting Date & Closing Date of application- 10.02.2021- 17.03.2021
Official Notification- Click Here
Official Website- Click Here
Important Points
All the positions will be funded by ICAR.
All the posts on contract basis.
Candidates need to submit the application in both forms (Offline and Online).
Age relaxation will be 05 yrs for OBC/SC/ST/Regular employee of State of U.P. and 15 yrs for PwD Category Candidates.
Candidates need to bring the original documents at the time of the Interview.