HPSC Recruitment 2021 for 256 Posts of Civil Judge- Last Date Extended
Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) has released recruitment for the post of Civil Judge in Haryana Civil Service. Eligible candidates can apply for the post before the last date.
Advertisement No.-: 01/2021
Post Name-: Civil Judge (Judicial Branch) in Junior Division
Total Posts-: 256 Posts (GEN/UR-156, SC-40, BC-A-21, BC-B-11, EWS-11)-
Age-: 21-42 yrs as on 15.2.2021.
Education Qualification-: Bachelor of Laws from a University established by the law and approved/recognized.by the Bar Council of India.
Pay Scale-: 27700-770-33090-920-40450-1080-44770
Fees-: Rs.1000/- for Unreserved category candidates, Rs.250 for Reserved Category Candidates and NIL for PH Candidates.
Selection Process-: Candidates will be selected on the basis of Preliminary Exam, Mains Exam and Viva-Voce Test.
How to Apply-: Interested candidates can apply for the post by submitting the required fees, application form before the last date.
Starting Date & Closing Date of Application- 15.01.2021- 15.02.2021
Official Notification- Click Here
Apply Online- Click Here
Official Website- Click Here
**Important Points**
The Preliminary Examination shall be of Objective Type with multiple-choice question.
The Pre Exam shall be 2 hours and there will be 125 questions in the exam. Candidates will get 4 marks for each question and 20% negative mark for each wrong answer.
Age Relaxation will be given to the SC/ST/OBC Candidates only (If they are living in Haryana) and maximum 5 yrs relaxation will be given.